Ms. Roni Man Ying CHIU



Ms. Siwei XU

Siwei is a Doctor of Education student at EdUHK. She completed her undergraduate studies at Shenzhen University, before moving to England to study a Master's at Durham University. Whilst working as a research assistant at Vanke School of Public Health, Tsinghua University, she became interested in health psychology and health education. She was fascinated by how different behavioural psychology theories could be applied in health interventions. In addition to research, she also enjoys meditation and reading spiritual books.




Behavioural Assessment, Digital Health, and Social Science Laboratory 

Ms. Kiko Ka Hei LEUNG (Lab Manager)

Kiko is the Lab Manager at BADHASS Lab, and is currently a full-time Project Assistant at EdUHK’s Faculty of Education and Human Development. After completing her Bachelor's Degree in Sports Management at the Open University of Hong Kong, she went on to work at a variety of HK universities over 10 years. Her research interests include health promotion and motivation. When she’s not researching “Active School Programme”, you will find Kiko exploring the world or cooking yummy food.

Derwin Chan Research

 Lab Members

Dr. Derwin King Chung CHAN (Director)

Derwin is the director of BADHASS Lab. He leads the lab’s research into the psychological and behavioural processes involved in health, sport, education, and medical adherence. Derwin works closely with all lab members, from collaborators and research assistants to admin and students. He loves sports, and when he’s not spending time with his two young kids, you will be able to find Derwin somewhere in Hong Kong either running, cycling, inline skating, playing golf, or swimming.


Dr. Kyra Hamilton

  • Health and Psychology Innovations (HaPILaborary, School of Applied Psychology, Griffith University, Australia

Postgraduate Researchers

Collaborators and Friends


Prof. Martin Hagger

  • Social & Health Psychology Applied Behavioral Research for Promotion & Prevention (SHARPP) Lab, Psychological Sciences, University of California, Merced, USA


Dr. James Dimmock

  • Psychology of Active, Health Living Group (PAHL),  Department of Psychology, James Cook University, Australia

Dr. Alfred Sing Yeung LEE

Ms. Tracy Chor Wai TANG

Tracy completed her bachelor’s degree at the University of London’s Goldsmiths’ College, and her Master’s degree at King’s College, London. Now, after working at two universities to enrich her research experience, she is pursuing a PhD at EdUHK. Tracy’s research experience lies in health-related psychological processes, behavioural medicine, and wellbeing.  She is a managing associate editor of Stress and Health, and provides support and training to the editorial board of the journal. When she’s not hard at work you can find her exploring Hong Kong’s hiking trails and finding places with good food.

Lab Members

Ms. Alison Wing Lam WAN 

Alison is currently studying for a PhD at EdUHK’s Faculty of Education and Human Development. After completing a bachelor’s degree in Applied Sciences (Health Studies) from SPEED at HK Polytechnic University, and a Master’s Degree in Nutrition, Food Science and Technology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, she worked as a Research Assistant at the Centre for Child and Family Science at EdUHK.

Alison’s research looks at the factors associated with healthy diets, food choices, and eating behaviours among children. In her spare time, she loves travelling to Japan, listening to Taylor Swift or watching the American television situation comedies, such as the Big Bang Theory.

Dr. Diana Lin Yi SU

Diana earned both her Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Sichuan University, and obtained her Doctor of Education degree at EdUHK. She is now working as a full-time research assistant to continue her academic journey. Diana's research interests include organisational behaviour, sports psychology, and personal well-being. Outside the lab, you can find Diana with her hands covered in chalk, attached to a rope, clinging perilously to the side of a cliff, as climbing allows her to be close to nature.

Dr. Joan CHUNG



Ms. Ivy Ka Hei WONG

Ivy is currently a full-time research assistant at EdUHK’s department of early childhood education. After completing her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at Hong Kong Baptist University, and Master’s Degree in Christian Counselling at Hong Kong Institute of Christian Counselors, she would like to explore and learn more from the research field. Her research interests include positive psychology, counselling and education. In her spare time, she enjoys travelling, reading books and watching movies.