Chinese Version

1. 在過去的7天裡,你有多少天做了復康計劃?  _________________                   

2. 你平均每天用了多少時間在復康計劃上?  _________________分鐘



Instruction: The following questions are related to how you follow your prescribed rehabilitation program.

Rehabilitation Volume Scale

Derwin Chan Research
   English Version

1.  During the last 7 days, how many days did you follow the rehabilitation program?”)

2. In a typical day of the last 7 days, how much time (in minutes) did you spend in the rehabilitation program?

Scoring: Item 1 (frequency of rehabilitation), Item 2 (duration of rehabilitation). Rehabilitation volume is interpreted as the number of hours the participants spent in performing the prescribed rehabilitation exercise in the past 7 days. It is estimated by the Item 1 x Item 2.



Lee, A. S. Y., Yung, P. S. H., Ong, M. T. Y., Chan, C. C. H., Chung, J. S. K., Xu. S. W., & Chan, D. K. C. (2024). Tracking and predicting the treatment adherence of patients under rehabilitation: A three-wave longitudinal validation study for the rehabilitation adherence inventory. Frontiers in Psychology. 15, 1284745. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1284745