English Version

Scoring Instruction:

1.Swimming distance is categorized into “very weak” (0m –4.99m), “weak” (5m –12.49m), “beginner” (12.5m –24.99m), “intermediate” (25m –49.99m), “good” (50m –99.99m), and “excellent” (>100m), and scored on a 6-point Likert scale (0 = “very weak” to 5 = “excellent”). 

2.Basic swimming skills were scored on a dichotomous scale (0 = “I can’t” and 1 = “I can”). 

3.Swimming competenceindex(SCI) can be calculated by the following algorithm. It is an index of overall swimming competencethat ranged from 0 (i.e., “incompetent”) to 100 (i.e., “competent”).

Swimming CompetenceIndex  =  100  x (Generalscore x  2  +  MEAN(Front-Crawlscore, Breaststrokescore, Backstrokescore, Butterflyscore) x 2 + (Poolside Kickingscore+Kickboard Kickingscore+ Holding Breath Underwaterscore+ Floatingscorex 2 + Treading Waterscorex 2 + Swimming Underwaterscorex 3) ÷30

Download file : Swimming Competence Questionnaire Scoring



Chan, D. K. C., Lee, A. S. Y., Macfarlane, D. J., Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K (in press). Validation of the Swimming Competence Questionnaire for children. Journal of Sports Sciences.

Traditional Chinese Version

Derwin Chan Research

Swimming Competence Questionnaire